Chips maker recovering from blows

20130405bramdeosewnarine-238x250A 38-year-old chips manufacturer/distributor of Belvedere, Corentyne who was badly beaten by a worker during the Easter holidays and suffered head injuries and a broken right leg has started to recover from his wounds.

Bramdeo Sewnarine was trying to make peace between two workers who were fighting around 10:30 pm when he was dealt the blows.

He was in an unconscious state and was “bleeding through his nose,” when he was first rushed to the hospital. He also suffered blows to other parts of the body.

He was first taken to the Anamayah Hospital a few buildings away but no doctor was available at the time and he was rushed to the Anamayah Hospital. He was treated there and immediately referred to the New Amsterdam Hospital.

However, his wife, Seetana said he was still unconscious and with blood still oozing from his nose, she decided to rush him to the Balwant Singh Hospital in Georgetown instead.

He regained consciousness around midday the following day. Sewnarine asked to be discharged from hospital on Tuesday evening after undergoing several tests and MRI scans.

He is still experiencing severe pain and is unable to walk or to eat properly. The incident not only left him in discomfort but his expenses have so far amounted to $420,000.

Yesterday he took in again and started to feel dizzy and had to visit the Anamayah Hospital where it was suspected that he was suffering from “bleeding in the head.”

Sewnarine’s attacker, a 21-year-old man was arrested the following day and placed in custody at the Albion Police Station. Relatives learnt that he has been released on $20,000 station bail.

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