Bandits break into Bush Lot home

ransacked roomBandits broke into the home of a Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice family yesterday morning and stole cash, gold and silver jewellery and a cell phone amounting to over $300,000.

Serojanie Ragbeer, 35, said she was doing domestic work next door and when she returned home around 11 am she notice that the lock on the door had been damaged and the padlock had been replaced on it.

At first she thought her husband, Navindra Prasad had done something to the lock and she proceeded upstairs and started to cook. After a while she realized that Prasad’s cell phone that was left charging was missing. She dialed the number and a male answered. She questioned him as to how he got the phone and he disconnected the call.

It was not until she saw the bedroom door open and checked and saw the wardrobe and drawers ransacked that she realized that they had been robbed.

She then asked someone to call her husband who was working a few houses away. He also dialed the number and the young man answered and said a man named ‘Glen’ found the phone and gave it to him. There was an exchange of words between Prasad and the man. He was heading to the Fort Wellington Station when the man called again and started to “curse.”

When this reporter got there in the afternoon, the couple was still waiting on the police to visit the scene and for them to arrest ‘Glen,’ who is said to be an acquaintance from the area.

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