Tag Archives: Belvedere

Head of fisheries calls for investigations into fishermen deaths

Chairman of the Number 66 Fisheries Complex Pravinchandra Deodat has contacted local police to conduct investigations into how two fishermen lost their lives while working at sea.

The men, Nazim Shakim, 28, called `Fineman’ of Lot 17 ‘A’ Belvedere, Corentyne and Cyril Ali, 45, called ‘Counsel’ of Annandale, East Coast Demerara were reportedly tortured, tied up with pieces of cloth and ordered to jump overboard. Continue reading

Bodies of missing fishermen found

The bodies of two fishermen, who were tortured and tossed overboard by pirates in Suriname waters on Wednesday, were recovered and buried immediately because of their advanced state of decomposition.

Nazim Shakim, 28, called “Fineman” of Lot 17 ‘A’ Belvedere, Corentyne and Cyril Ali of Annandale, East Coast Demerara were bound by pieces of cloth during the attack. Shakim was the captain of the hijacked boat.


cyril ali



Nazim Shakim    Cyril Ali

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Chips maker recovering from blows

20130405bramdeosewnarine-238x250A 38-year-old chips manufacturer/distributor of Belvedere, Corentyne who was badly beaten by a worker during the Easter holidays and suffered head injuries and a broken right leg has started to recover from his wounds.

Bramdeo Sewnarine was trying to make peace between two workers who were fighting around 10:30 pm when he was dealt the blows. Continue reading